出版社:Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração
摘要:This article proposes to work with the theoretical concept of creativity management by promoting a reflection defined by encouraging work relationships that involve creative individuals and creative leadership in attitudes that foster a creative culture. This analysis considers creativity as a precursor of innovation and evaluates it as a universe capable of improving organizational competitiveness, since, creativity is understood as a social phenomenon. The discussion in this article addresses conditions and characteristics related to the individual, to leadership and culture. Creativity management is a component of a managerial grid focused on interfering in the internal and external contexts of an organization by reviewing deviant and divergent practices regarding the stimulation of creative processes. The development of creativity over time is illustrated by a concept called the spiral of creativity. In conclusion, analyzing creativity as something that is collectively produced and has manageable elements increases the ability to make decisions that foster creativity and allow it to be managed collectively.