摘要:Measuring the amount of shared information between two documents is a
key to address a number of Natural Language Processing (NLP) challenges such as
Information Retrieval (IR), Semantic Textual Similarity (STS), Sentiment Analysis
(SA) and Plagiarism Detection (PD). In this paper, we report a plagiarism detection
system based on two layers of assessment: 1) Fingerprinting which simply compares
the documents fingerprints to detect the verbatim reproduction; 2) Word embedding
which uses the semantic and syntactic properties of words to detect much more
complicated reproductions. Moreover, Word Alignment (WA), Inverse Document
Frequency (IDF) and Part-of-Speech (POS) weighting are applied on the examined
documents to support the identification of words that are most descriptive in each
textual unit. In the present work, we focused on Arabic documents and we evaluated
the performance of the system on a data-set of holding three types of plagiarism:
1) Simple reproduction (copy and paste); 2) Word and phrase shuffling; 3) Intelligent
plagiarism including synonym substitution, diacritics insertion and paraphrasing.
The results show a recall of 88% and a precision of 86%. Compared to the results
obtained by the systems participating in the Arabic Plagiarism Detection Shared
Task 2015, our system outperforms all of them with a plagiarism detection score
(Plagdet) of 83%.