摘要:Rapid economic changes and globalization have triggered urgent response from firms to devise
effective strategies in improving performance and ensuring long-term survival. This study examined
the influence of environmental strategy and competitive advantage on business performance.
Subsequently, it determined the different effects of environmental strategy and competitive advantage
on business performance. This cross-sectional study involved a total of 222 hotel managers
as respondents. Data in the study was obtained via self-administered questionnaires. Partial Least
Squares (PLS) analysis was used to test the hypotheses of study. Findings of this study revealed the
significant and positive effects of environmental strategy and competitive advantage on business
performance. Competitive advantage has been found to contribute towards a higher variance on
business performance than environmental strategy. Results obtained have proven the robustness of
the theory applied in this study to explain the business performance of the tourism industry in the
context of a developing country. The results close the gaps in previous research findings that will
add to the current body of knowledge.
关键词:Environmental strategy;
Competitive advantage;
Business performance