期刊名称:Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
出版社:Newswood and International Association of Engineers
摘要:The educational management decision-makers
(EMDMs) have no clear understanding of the available EDM
techniques and variables to consider in selecting EDM
techniques appropriate for their decision making needs. This
research proposes taxonomy of EDM techniques through
utilisation of recommender systems (RSs) to address EDM
technique selection challenges. The RS approach addresses the
need for a decision support system guide process of selecting
appropriate EDM technique. Furthermore, the research
presents systematic review of different approaches in
recommender system such as content-based, collaborative
filtering, hybrid, and knowledge-based recommender system.
The research study looks at current existing challenges of
different recommender system including proposed technique to
solve the problems. Knowledge-based recommender system
seems to solve problems encountered by content-based
recommender system and collaborative filtering recommender
system. The research further discus how knowledge-based RS
notable employs case-based reasoning and ontology-based
engineering to overcome challenges such as cold-start,
scalability, sparseness, grey sheep, contend limitations,
overspecialization, and inflexible information.
关键词:Educational Data Mining (EDM);;
Recommender System (RS); Case-Based (CBR) RS;;
Knowledge;Based (KB) RS