期刊名称:Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science
出版社:Newswood and International Association of Engineers
摘要:Medicine is a field with high volatility of changes.
Everyday new discoveries and procedures are tested with the
sole goal of providing a better-quality life to patients. With the
evolution of computer science, multiple fields saw an increase
of productivity and solutions that could be implemented. More
specifically, in medicine new techniques started being tested in
order to under-stand how the systems and practices used can
reach higher performances, while maintaining the predefined
high standards of quality. For many years data generated in
hospitals was collected and stored yet few tools were
implemented to extract knowledge or any type of advantage.
One of the areas that successfully implemented in medicine
was the usage of data processing tools and techniques to
further extract information regarding the high abundance of
data generated in a daily basis, in this field of work. This data
can be stored in different ways which leads to multiple
approaches on how to deals with it. The sole purpose of this
paper is to give an overview of some case studies where
structured and un-structured data was used, joint and
separately and the value of it.
关键词:Structured Data; Unstructured Data; Natural;
Language Processing; Data Integration; Electronic Medical;