期刊名称:Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
出版社:Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
摘要:The potentials of ICTs in fish farming has not been
fully harnessed by farmers in Nigeria. This study assessed
farmers’ awareness of the use of ICTs in fish farming, determined
level of use, identified the determinants of use, and the
constraints to the use of ICTs in fish farming. A two-stage random
sampling technique was applied to select 133 respondents
on whom a questionnaire was administered. Data were analysed
using descriptive statistics, Multiple Regression Analysis
and the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation. Respondents’
level of awareness of the use of ICTs in fish farming was
high (71.4%), but use was low (48.3%). The major constraint
to the use of ICTs was the high cost of internet subscription
(M = 3.53). At p < 0.001, number of ponds (β = 0.095), cosmopoliteness
(β = 0.271), household size (β = 0.159) and frequency
of extension contact (β = 0.078) determined the use of
ICTs. Also, awareness of ICTs had a significant relationship
with its use (r = 0.339, p < 0.01). The study concluded that the
level of use of ICTs in fish farming in the state was low in spite
of a high level of awareness. It recommends among others,
the regulation of the activities of ICT service providers in the
country for quality service at reduced prices.