期刊名称:Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development
出版社:Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu
摘要:The rising incidences of poverty among rural farming
families are the reason behind renewed interest in income
diversification. This study determined the level of income diversification;
identified alternative income sources; examined
the reasons for diversification; and identified the constraints
to diversification. A three-stage random sampling technique
was used in selecting 160 households on which a structured
interview schedule was administered. Descriptive statistics,
a Likert-type scale, and the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation
were used for data analyses. Findings reveal that 1.3%
of the households had no additional sources of income while
40.6% had at least four. Trading (55%) and livestock keeping
(40.7%) were the most popular alternative income sources.
The declining farm income (mean = 2.96) was the primary
reason for diversification, while poor rural infrastructure
(mean = 3.04) was the most severe constraint to income diversification.
Farm size, access to extension services, household
size, age and educational level of the household head were
significantly related to the level of income diversification at
p < 0.05. The study concluded that the level of income diversification
was high and influenced by socioeconomic characteristics
of the households. It recommends that the government
should provide adequate infrastructural facilities in rural
areas. Farmer associations should also ensure better prices for
agricultural produce through joint marketing.