期刊名称:Researchers World - Journal of Arts Science & Commerce
出版社:Educational Research Multimedia & Publication
摘要:The study is mainly concerned with Credit Risk and Public and Private Banks’ Performance in
India and uses panel data of 40 commercial banks, comprising of 24 public and 16 private banks
which were listed on Bombay Stock Exchange during the study period. The study employs various
credit risk ratios as independent variables and three performance indicators as dependent
variables for a period of 16 years from 2000-01 to 2015-16. The proxy for credit risk used in the
study include Gross Non Performing Asset ratio, Loan Loss Allowance to Total Advances, Capital
Adequacy Ratio, Credit Deposit Ratio, Loan Loss Allowance to Non Performing Assets, Loan Loss
Allowance to Assets, and Advances to Assets. Deposits and Size have been used as control
variables. Return on Assets, Return on Equity and Net Interest Margin have been used as proxy for
performance. The result of the Random Effect Model shows that there is positive and significant
relationship between Loan Loss Allowance and all the three performance indicators used in the
study. Credit Deposit ratio is also significant at varying level and positively influences all the three
performance indicators. Loan loss Allowance to Non Performing Asset is significant and inversely
influences all three performance indicators. Loan loss Allowance to Total Assets is significant for
two performance indicators viz., NIM and ROE and positively influences the same.
关键词:Credit risk; performance; panel study; non performing assets; loan loss allowance;;
credit deposit; Capital Adequacy Ratio; Return on Asset; Return on Equity; Net;
Interest Margin.