期刊名称:Journal of Materials and Environmental Science
出版社:University of Mohammed Premier Oujda
摘要:The immobilization of low and intermediate level radioactive wastes in cementitious matrices is the most commonly used technique to produce inexpensive waste matrix that complies with regulatory requirements. The interest of this work is to ensure confinement, durability and an integrability of the immobilization of radioactive waste inside the packages stored in the CNESTEN, and also to highlight the influence of the water-cement (W/C) report on the behavior of the studied matrix. For this purpose, an experimental program allowed the necessary mathematical approach for the determination of an optimal formulation of the mortar. Mechanical testing of different matrices shows different behaviors. The best performance is observed in a report W/C = 0, 4 and S/Mt = 0, 3. This study finds the matrix with the optimal behavior to confine the radioactive waste.