出版社:Australian Institutes for Educational Research
摘要:In order to extend previous research on procrastination as a cause of performance failuredue to faulty self-regulation, we developed a model of self-regulated learning failure andtested it in two separate studies (N1 = 378, N2 = 315). The relationships betweenprocrastination, disorganisation, the forethought phase of self-regulated learning (SRL),academic performance and self-regulation failure are addressed. Self-report scales wereused to assess procrastination, disorganisation, and forethought. Three hypotheses aboutthe relationships between these dimensions were tested. The first is that disorganisationand procrastination are two distinct constructs; it is argued that they represent two routesvia which self-regulation failure can be manifested. The second is that disorganisationand procrastination have a negative impact on academic performance; the resultsobtained showed that only disorganisation had a negative impact on academicperformance. The third is that the implementation of high-quality processes during theforethought phase is a safeguard against disorganisation and procrastination.