期刊名称:Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems (JAMRIS)
出版社:Industrial Research Inst. for Automation and Measurements, Warsaw
摘要:nowing how to idenfy terrain types is especially importantin the autonomous navigaon, mapping, decisionmaking and emergency landings areas. For example, anunmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can use it to find a suitablelanding posion or to cooperate with other robotsto navigate across an unknown region. Previous workson terrain classificaon from RGB images taken onboardof UAVs shown that only stac pixel-based features weretested with a considerable classificaon error. This paperpresents a computer vision algorithm capable of iden-fying the terrain from RGB images with improved accuracy.The algorithm complement the stac image featuresand dynamic texture paerns produced by UAVs rotorsdownwash eect (visible at lower altudes) and machinelearning methods to classify the underlying terrain.The system is validated using videos acquired onboard ofa UAV with a RGB camera.