期刊名称:IAENG International Journal of Computer Science
出版社:IAENG - International Association of Engineers
摘要:QUAD is a stream cipher whose provable securityrelies on the hardness of solving systems of multivariatequadratic equations (the MQ problem). In addition to resistanceto quantum attacks and low cost, MQ-based cryptographicalgorithms are believed to have strong natural resistance toside-channel attacks, because of their long key length and theabsence of leaking operations. However, our research has foundthat serial implementations of QUAD leak secret informationwhen computing monomials and restoring the results to theregister, which leaves these implementations vulnerable to sidechannelattack. In this article, we define single-bit and multi-bitside-channel leakage models appropriate for serial implementationsof QUAD, and employ them to successfully performcorrelation power analysis attacks. A comparison with reportedcryptanalysis results for QUAD(2; 160; 160) indicates that ourmethod is the most efficient. Finally, defensive countermeasuresagainst our attacks are proposed.