期刊名称:Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
出版社:Instituto Nacional De Matemática Pura E Aplicada
摘要:Let r = r(n) be a sequence of integers such that r n and letX1; : : : ;Xr+1 be independent random points distributed according to the Gaussian,the Beta or the spherical distribution on Rn. Limit theorems for the log-volumeand the volume of the random convex hull of X1; : : : ;Xr+1 are established in highdimensions, that is, as r and n tend to innity simultaneously. This includes Berry-Esseen-type central limit theorems, log-normal limit theorems, and moderate andlarge deviations. Also dierent types of mod- convergence are derived. The resultsheavily depend on the asymptotic growth of r relative to n. For example, weprove that the uctuations of the volume of the simplex are normal (respectively,log-normal) if r = o(n) (respectively, r n for some 0 < < 1).
关键词:Central limit theorem; large deviations; moderate deviations; mod-;convergence; random simplex; volume.