摘要:Postgraduate-level training in ‘professional practice’ is essential to enable students (a) to understand business management and the role of geologists, civil engineers and environmental scientists in industry, and (b) to advance their skills in report writing, oral presentation, negotiation and financial acumen. This is best achieved through exposure to ‘real world’ case study material. With GEES Subject Centre support we are developing a multimedia learning resource for students to explore the interactions between environmental legislation, corporate strategy, financial constraints, geotechnical engineering and applied geology. Our case study is an investigation of wastewater treatment by means of sub-surface dispersion within a Chalk aquifer in southern England. We have evaluated the course with groups of students on final year undergraduate and Masters level geology courses. Issues include achieving a suitable balance between individual and group work, between scientific understanding and professional skills development, and between specialist knowledge and transferability to other GEES disciplines.