摘要:The present study analyzed the relationships between directive, self and social functions of autobiographical memory, personality traits, as
defined by the Five Factor model, and the Facebook mementos. We defined Facebook mementos as objective measures of the textual
(i.e., Facebook Status Updating) and visual (i.e., Photos uploading) information people record on their Facebook profiles. Questionnaires
gathered data from a sample of 193 Italian Facebook users (148 female; 45 male; age M = 22.8, SD = 6.8). Results at path analysis using
AMOS showed direct significant positive associations between personality traits related to extraversion, openness, neuroticism,
conscientiousness and Facebook mementos. Extraversion and openness were positive precursors of the directive, self and social functions
of autobiographical memory, whereas neuroticism predicted directive and self-functions, and conscientiousness was a positive precursor of
the directive function of autobiographical memory. As well, indirect significant positive paths among extraversion, neuroticism, openness
and the frequency of photos uploaded on Facebook for collecting life events have emerged via the mediation of the self-continuity function
of autobiographical memory. In sum, the present study highlights how individual differences in motivations for using autobiographical
memory for directive-behavior, self-continuity or social-bonding purposes deeply related with the personal experience of using social media
as a repository tool for textual or visual information.
关键词:autobiographical memory; personality; Big Five; Facebook; social network sites