期刊名称:Journal of Education and Teaching in Emergency Medicine
出版社:University of California Press
摘要:History of present illness: 21-year-old male presented to the emergency department (ED) with left ankle
pain that began while he was skateboarding down a flight of stairs. The patient’s vital signs were stable. On
exam, he was noted to have obvious deformity of the left ankle with an open wound overlying the left lateral
malleolus with intact sensation and pulses.
Significant findings: X-ray of the left ankle revealed a complete dislocation of the subtalar joint with medial
dislocation of the calcaneus (outlined in orange) relative to the talus (outlined in red) with subcutaneous air
noted in the lateral soft tissues (blue arrows in Figure 1). The talonavicular joint has also been disrupted
(navicular outlined in blue). There was no evidence of fracture. Post-reduction computed tomography of the
left lower extremity confirmed no evidence of associated fracture.
Discussion: The talus is the second largest of the tarsal bones and is situated in the hindfoot, just above the
calcaneus.1 Sixty percent of the talarsurface is composed of articular cartilage, including the talar head, which
isthe weight-bearing portion.1 Vascularsupply reachesthe talus via fascialstructures, which can be disrupted
in instancessuch as dislocation, increasing the risk for avascular necrosis.1 Subtalar dislocation is a rare injury
and account for approximately 1% of dislocations.2 It is defined by simultaneous dislocation of the
talonavicular and talocalcaneal joints. Subtalar dislocations are classified into four types: medial, lateral,
anterior, and posterior.2 The direction of displacement of the foot relative to the talus determines the
classification.2 Medial dislocations account for the majority of subtalar dislocations whereas lateral
dislocations are more frequently open.1
Radiographs of the involved extremity are necessary in the diagnosis of subtalar dislocations and should
include anteroposterior (AP), lateral, and ankle mortise views.3 Although crucial to diagnosis of subtalar
dislocations, ankle and foot radiographs may appear normal.2 One study showed that approximately 39% of
fractures were missed on plain radiographs alone, and later detected on computed tomography (CT) or
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Another study revealed that in patients who had an identifiable talar
fracture, up to 93% of patients had an additional fracture notable on CT. 4 Subtalar dislocations are often
associated with fracture, most commonly involving the malleoli, talus, and calcaneus.2 For this reason, CT
scans of the involved extremity are often indicated for further evaluation.3
In the ED, closed reductions under procedural sedation should be performed as soon as possible, to reduce
the risk of avascular necrosis.5 In the case of closed dislocations, patients should immediately have the joint
immobilized with orthopedic follow up.2 Failure to reduce closed subtalar dislocations should prompt
orthopedic consultation for ORIF.2 Post-reduction complications most commonly include arthritis and
stiffness in the affected joint. Stiffness may result from posttraumatic fibrosis of the periarticular soft tissue.
It has been suggested, that reducing time of immobilization may improve outcomes associated with joint
stiffness. 4 Treatment for open subtalar dislocations requires reduction in the ED followed by surgical
management, including irrigation and debridement.5,6In this case, the patient underwent reduction with procedural sedation and the wound was thoroughly
irrigated in the ED. He was given intravenous antibiotics, his tetanus was updated, and he was admitted to
orthopedics for open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF). The patient tolerated the procedure well and
was discharged home on post-operative day #3.