期刊名称:IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
出版社:IOP Publishing
摘要:Mare's milk is special dietary raw materials with treatment-and-prophylactic properties. The only product released by the industry from mare's milk in Russia is koumiss. However, koumiss is an alcohol-containing product. There is a problem of processing of mare's milk on functional fermented milk products. The most popular fermented milk product, among the population, is yogurt. We developed compoundings of two types of yogurt with use of mare's milk, the patent application is submitted No. 2017117840 RU for one of them of 22.05.2017 "Fermented milk product". The purpose of work is a research of fatty acids and amino acid structure of new yogurts with use of mare's milk. For studying two samples of yogurts were made. As raw materials mare's milk of the Bashkir breed was used. Production and researches of prototypes of yogurt were conducted on the basis of "Bashkir State Agrarian University"(Ufa), the accredited laboratory center FGBUN "FITs food and biotechnologies" (Moscow). The analysis of fatty acids composition of samples of yogurts showed that they have high content olein, γ-linolenic, α-linolenic and arakhidonovy acids. Data on the content of amino acids in yogurts with use of mare's milk show that they are characterized by the high content of the irreplaceable amino acids proving the high biological value of ready-made products. The research is executed with financial support FBSI "Fund of Assistance to Development of Small Forms of the Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere" within state. contract No. 1202GS1/21741 of 05.05.2016.