摘要:The advancement of wearable/ambulatory technologies has brought a huge change to data collection frameworks in recent decades. Mobile health (mHealth) care platforms, which utilize ambulatory devices to collect naturalistic and often intensively sampled data, produce innovative information of potential clinical relevance. For example, such data can inform clinical study design, recruitment approach, data analysis, and delivery of both “traditional” and novel (e.g., mHealth) interventions. We provide a conceptual overview of how data measured continuously or repeatedly via mobile devices (e.g., smartphone and body sensors) in daily life could be fruitfully used within a mHealth care system. We highlight the potential benefits of integrating ecological momentary assessment (EMA) into mHealth platforms for collecting, processing, and modeling data, and delivering and evaluating novel interventions in everyday life. Although the data obtained from EMA and related approaches may hold great potential benefits for mHealth care system, there are also implementation challenges; we briefly discuss the challenges to integrating EMA into mHealth care system.