摘要:Background: As a neuroradiology section it came to our attention that each member of our group
was independently saving cases encountered during daily practice in their own personal manner. This
wealth of information was essentially being underutilized as it was not readily available among the
other members of the team. The need for a teaching file to collectively archive all these cases brought
on the idea of developing a teaching file using Microsoft OneNote.
Methods: Microsoft OneNote is a note-taking program that provides access using an online portal
or free-to-download mobile application. The program allows the user to create unlimited folders
and subfolders that can be subclassified at the group’s discretion. In our case we have organized it
according to etiology of the condition, i.e. infectious, congenital, etc. We propose the development of
a template for the purposes of maintaining uniformity. The template includes space for demographic
information, symptoms, four illustrative images, imaging findings, differential diagnoses, pearls and
pitfalls, and embedded multimedia.
Results: Ultimately, a dynamic, customizable, and continually- expanding teaching file was created
to suit the specific needs and objectives of our department. As part of their neuroradiology rotation,
medical students and visiting trainees are encouraged to contribute to the file.
Conclusion: The potential applications of the Microsoft OneNote program as a teaching file, as well
as its design flexibility and the ability to access the file from virtually any mobile device represent a
truly innovative take on radiologic teaching files. The format, classification and customization options
can adapt to the department’s individual needs.
其他摘要:Background: As a neuroradiology section it came to our attention that each member of our group was independently saving cases encountered during daily practice in their own personal manner. This wealth of information was essentially being underutilized as it was not readily available among the other members of the team. The need for a teaching file to collectively archive all these cases brought on the idea of developing a teaching file using Microsoft OneNote. Methods: Microsoft OneNote is a note-taking program that provides access using an online portal or free-to-download mobile application. The program allows the user to create unlimited folders and subfolders that can be subclassified at the group’s discretion. In our case we have organized it according to etiology of the condition, i.e. infectious, congenital, etc. We propose the development of a template for the purposes of maintaining uniformity. The template includes space for demographic information, symptoms, four illustrative images, imaging findings, differential diagnoses, pearls and pitfalls, and embedded multimedia. Results: Ultimately, a dynamic, customizable, and continually- expanding teaching file was created to suit the specific needs and objectives of our department. As part of their neuroradiology rotation, medical students and visiting trainees are encouraged to contribute to the file. Conclusion: The potential applications of the Microsoft OneNote program as a teaching file, as well as its design flexibility and the ability to access the file from virtually any mobile device represent a truly innovative take on radiologic teaching files. The format, classification and customization options can adapt to the department’s individual needs.