出版社:The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
摘要:Value co-creation (VC), the unified motive of different stakeholders of a firm to improve the VC process, is a crucial in mounting mutual goals. Though, the current movement of a growing size and number of enormous customers has placed the smaller industrial dealers in subservient roles and consigned their goalmouth to persistence. Hypotheses were analyzed by structured equation modeling using partial least squares 3.0. Data were collected by field survey from March May 2019. Convenient random sampling used to select the respondents. Study, examine the influences of VC on small and medium producer (SMP) performance in Cameroon. They provide components or parts to huge companies’ buyers, notified that the VC does have a positive and statistically significant direct and indirect influence on the organizational performance (OP) through their improved strategic competitive advantages (CA). Consequently, VC is not only significant for only big firms, but also to small and medium producers (SMP), as it promotes them from a commercial correlation to a cooperative link with their partners.
关键词:Value Co-creation (VC) ; Competitive Advantage (CA) ; Small and medium producer (SMP) ; Organizational performance (OP)