期刊名称:Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Docencia (REID)
出版社:Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Docencia (REID)
摘要:The objective of this research is to demonstrate the contributions of a Creative Ecoformador Project (PCE) to the learning of students of education in the first years of primary school about "biodiversity of native bees". The PCE was developed in a public school in the city of Massaranduba / SC and involved fourth grade students. The theoretical discussions were based on authors such as Pineau (2004), Moraes (1996, 1997, 2004), Morin (2007, 2011, 2015), Zwierewicz and Torre (2009), Torre (2014) and Nicolescu (1999). The research is characterized by being qualitative focused on the case study. The data analysis allowed to demonstrate significant experiences developed by the PCE. The data showed that the students' learning occurred through text production, parody, calculations involving the production of honey, visit still producing honey, activities in the subjects of Sciences, History and Geography, among others. The results pointed towards a pedagogical methodology that considers the protagonism of students, promotes curiosity, develops transdisciplinarity and ecoformation. They revealed even moments in which students experienced multiple materials and environments and in some opportunities the development of creativity, of autonomy, of the different ways of doing education.