摘要:This work analyzes the hate speech present in the demonstrations against the government of Dilma Rousseff and points to the possible causes of this hatred. Besides a conceptual approach of the subject, the paper analyzes an actual instance of hate speech. The main theoretical-methodological orientation of this work is the French Discourse Analysis, understanding the political discourse (Charaudeau) as the enunciation of an era. The thesis of the Society of the Spectacle (Debord) conducts a critical analysis of the corpus. It was concluded that hate speech expresses an intimate relationship with the fear permeating the political dispute between classes and class fractions in Brazil.
其他摘要:This work analyzes the hate speech present in the demonstrations against the government of Dilma Rousseff and points to the possible causes of this hatred. Besides a conceptual approach of the subject, the paper analyzes an actual instance of hate speech. The main theoretical-methodological orientation of this work is the French Discourse Analysis, understanding the political discourse (Charaudeau) as the enunciation of an era. The thesis of the Society of the Spectacle (Debord) conducts a critical analysis of the corpus. It was concluded that hate speech expresses an intimate relationship with the fear permeating the political dispute between classes and class fractions in Brazil.
关键词:Hate speech;Conservatism;Fear;Hatred;Spectacle;;Discurso de odio;Conservadurismo;Miedo;Odio;Espectáculo;;Discurso de ódio;Conservadorismo;Medo;Ódio;Espetáculo