摘要:The conventional CART method is a
nonparametric classification method built on categorical
response data. Bagging is one of the popular ensemble
methods whereas, Random Forests (RF) is one of the
relatively new ensemble methods in the decision tree
that is the development of the Bagging method. Unlike
Bagging, Random Forest was developed with the idea of
adding layers to the random resampling process in
bagging. Therefore, not only randomly sampled sample
data to form a classification tree, but also independent
variables are randomly selected and newly selected as
the best divider when determining the sorting of trees,
which is expected to produce more accurate predictions.
Based on the above, the authors are interested to study
the three methods by comparing the accuracy of
classification on binary and non-binary simulation data
to understand the effect of the number of sample sizes,
the correlation between independent variables, the
presence or absence of certain distribution patterns to
the accuracy generated classification method. Results of
the research on simulation data show that the Random
Forest ensemble method can improve the accuracy of