出版社:Centro de Investigaciones Agroalimentarias (CIAAL)
摘要:This work was developed in order identify the factors that influence the competitiveness of coffee in the international market. As a theory, Comparative Advantage was used, pointed out in the literature as more appropriate when it comes to the analysis of competitiveness between countries. Four hypotheses were raised about how the factors «Agricultural land», «Rural population», «Opening» and «Cost» influence the competitiveness of coffee. In order do so, statistical tests were performed the Fixed Effect and Random Effect for panel data, which allowed to infer that the increase in the commercial opening of the country, as well as its agricultural land, leads to an increase in coffee competitiveness. On the other hand, the increase in the rural population and in the cost of export generate a reduction in this competitiveness. These results point to a need for coordination of the coffee agribusiness chain in order change its structure and dynamics internally in countries. Actors in the agribusiness chain, working together, improve product competitiveness at the international level by creating product-strengthening mechanisms such as certification, public policy, and even product marketing development in the external market. These actions interfere in the positioning of the country as a strong producer, generating recognition by importers, and consequently, better product competitiveness. This article tests the established production function, bringing new variables to the model, advancing the theory in this sense. In addition, the work brings an interdisciplinarity, approaching economic theory, international trade and marketing in order to explain competitiveness. For managerial purposes, it provides insight into the factors that need to be verified and addressed in order improve the competitiveness of coffee at the country level.
关键词:Agribusiness; coffee; comparative advantage; competitiveness; international trade; marketing; panel regression model;Agronegócio; competitividade; café; comércio internacional; marketing; modelos de regressão em painel; vantagem comparativa;Agronegocios; café; comercio internacional; competitividad; marketing; modelos de regresión panel; marketing; ventaja comparativa;Agro-industrie; avantage comparatif; compétitivité; café; commerce international; marketing; modèles de régression par panel
其他关键词:Agribusiness; coffee; comparative advantage; competitiveness; international trade; marketing; panel regression model