摘要:Poor academic performance is a problem common to all countries in our cultural environment. The aim of this study is to compile and analyse the scientific evidence of the experiences of Health Sciences teachers and students on the influence of tutoring on academic performance. A systematic review was carried out in the databases PubMed, CINAHL Scopus, WOS, PsycINFO, ERIC, and Dialnet. The inclusion criteria were: quantitative and qualitative studies published between 2011-2016, in English and Spanish. A total of 346 studies were identified, with 15 (13 qualitative and two quantitative) being screened successively. Ten studies showed support for the tutors/students relationship. Eight of them analysed the figure of the tutor as a model with an opportunity to increase the academic performance of the students. Seven of them referred to the workload of the clinical tutors, with 3 stressing the importance of a suitable environment. Another 3 referred to the student figure and his/her role in peer tutoring. One study highlighted the role of information and communication technologies. It is concluded that tutorials are an effective strategy to improve academic performance, although, it is necessary to have good tutors, that are not overloaded, and that there is an adequate relationship, as well as a favourable environment.
关键词:Tutors ; Preceptorship ; Health sciences ; Health occupation students ; Achievement ; Academic performance