摘要:The plasticity models in finite element codes are often not able to describe the cyclic plasticity phenomena satisfactorily. Developing a user-defined material model is a demanding process, challenging especially for industry. Open-source Code_Aster is a rapidly expanding and evolving software, capable of overcoming the above-mentioned problem with material model implementation. In this article, Chaboche-type material model with kinematic hardening evolution rules and non-proportional as well as strain memory effects was studied through the calibration of the aluminium alloy 2024-T351. The sensitivity analysis was performed prior to the model calibration to find out whether all the material model parameters were important. The utilization of built-in routines allows the calibration of material constants without the necessity to write the optimization scripts, which is time consuming. Obtaining the parameters using the built-in routines is therefore easier and allows using the advanced modelling for practical use. Three sets of material model parameters were obtained using the built-in routines and results were compared to experiments. Quality of the calibration was highlighted and drawbacks were described. Usage of material model implemented in Code_Aster provided good simulations in a relatively simple way through the use of an advanced cyclic plasticity model via built-in auxiliary functions.