摘要:Ganglionic tuberculosis is the most common extrapulmonary localization in Morocco. It is still a diagnostic and therapeutic problem especially when the infection is concomitant to the management of a cancer. Here, we report the uncommon case of a fortuitous discovery of ganglionic tuberculosis in the anatomopathological analysis of an axillary node dissection after conservative treatment of breast cancer for a 29-year-old patient without medical history. Her file was discussed in a multidisciplinary consultation meeting during which several decisions were made. We decided to start her antituberculosis treatment then after three weeks her adjuvant chemotherapy with radiotherapy and hormone therapy. Furthermore, giver her young age, she had an oncogenetic consultation. Despite difficulties of therapeutic compliance, the patient completed her cancer treatments after two years, she also cured of her tuberculosis. Being in remission, she is still on hormone therapy and consults every 3-months as part of her follow-up. Cancer and tuberculosis presenting simultaneously creates clinical and histopathological difficulties for differential diagnosis and for therapeutic decisions. Anticancer chemotherapy is not an obstacle in anti-tuberculosis treatment but the compliance of patients to receive both at the same time with the associated side effects is one to consider.
关键词:Ganglionic tuberculosis;Breast cancer;Chemotherapy and tuberculosis