摘要:In the paper, the concept of marketing risks management is examined through the prism of the interpretations of the concept of risk, marketing risk, management, in order to optimize it and efficiently operate the enterprise. Any enterprise entering into commodity-money relations, or starts its own economic activity, appears to debate such issues as risk, risk minimization, risk insurance and risk avoidance. Moreover, the risks may be related not only to the enterprise activity but also to its environment (political and economic situation in the country, macroeconomic fluctuations of the economy, sociocultural population, legal and legislativeframework, globalization of the economy in general). However, along with this, there is also a research possibility, analysis, estimation, miscalculation, minimization (optimization), hedging, risk avoidance in order to ensure continuous, stable, efficient and profitable activity of the enterprise. Achievement of this result is possible only under the condition of effective risk management or the use of risk management at the enterprise. This will enable the enterprise to provide the necessary resources to ensure the continuity of the production or financial-economic process at the time of an uncertain situation or risk. Any economic, financial, marketing, production, innovation or management activities are always risky. Even if the enterprise is in a state of rest and does not show any business activity, it is burdened with the risk of a lack of profit and unused capacities. Therefore, the risk is a socioeconomic category that reflects the particular aspects of stakeholders' perception of objectively existing uncertainty and conflict state, which is characterized by the process of targeting, management, decision-making, control, evaluation, the motivation that is subject to possible threats and characterized by unused resources and opportunities. In the research process of the conceptual apparatus, it was found that the dynamic development of market relations makes the problem of marketing risks management especially relevant today for top-managers of the higher level of any enterprise, because the business entities face many negative factors, affecting the desired result of their activity, etc. marketing risks managementof business entities is not only a theoretical and methodological substantiation of approaches to managing them, but also the development, implementation, maintenance, monitoring and evaluation of the results of the proposed actions in practice. Since risks are an integral part of any economic activity process and conduct its final outcomes, therefore, the issue of researching the concept of marketing risks management is raised to prevent undesirable results and obtain the maximum efficiency.
关键词:risk; marketing risk; concept; enterprise; optimization; insurance; management; efficiency; monitoring; analysis; evaluation; economic activity; the activity of the enterprise; stakeholders.