期刊名称:IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
出版社:IOP Publishing
摘要:In order to explore the rainfall infiltration mechanism of tailings dam and its influence on dam properties, experiments were carried out by self-made tailings dam sand trough model and rainfall simulation system. The dynamic characteristics of infiltration rate with different rainfall intensity were obtained. The results show that in the process of rainfall infiltration, saturation is the first place under the dam. But the final water content remained stable and the difference was small. For the same rainfall intensity, the rainfall infiltration process of tailings dam can be divided into three stages. The water accumulation point is 0.59 mm/min and the saturation point is 0.23 mm/min. Different rainfall intensities have the same trend in the infiltration process. Finally, it tends to saturate permeability coefficient Ks. The infiltration rates of the three rainfall intensities decreased by 81%, 60% and 21% respectively at the two boundary points.