摘要:The aim of this study is to investigate how native speakers of Greek assign gender to nouns. Th e main question concerns the role that the morphophonological information encoded on noun suffi xes plays in the assignment of gender values by native speakers. To that end, novel nouns were created combined with the diff erent nominal suffi xes so that the role of the suffi x could be investigated independently of any lexical and/or semantic eff ects. Monolingual, native speakers of Greek were asked to use these novel nouns by providing an agreeing defi nite article thus indicating the corresponding gender value. Th e experiment was conducted both orally and in written form, so that potential eff ects of phonological as opposed to orthographic information could be examined. Following the experiment, probability values (predictive values) were calculated for each noun suffi x based on the participants’ interpretations, which were then compared to counts of frequency co-occurrence of each suffi x with each gender value in the language. Th e results are discussed with respect to theoretical models of gender assignment and lexical access, while lexicalist approaches to morphology are also addressed.