期刊名称:IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
出版社:IOP Publishing
摘要:The paper presents the results of particle size distribution analysis of atmospheric particulate matter studied in the snow of several settlements in the Magadan Region (towns Magadan, Susuman, and Omsukchan). The study found a significant content of PM10 particles in the air of Magadan town (28 to 65.7%), and a general dominance of particles under 50 μm in diameter (PM50 fraction) - from 44.4 up to 100%. The content of environmentally significant PM10 particles in the air of smaller settlements of the Magadan region (towns Susuman and Omsukchan) does not exceed 21. 1%. We can conclude that the air in the Magadan town, due to the predominance of PM10 and PM50 particles is characterized by a pronounced micro-particles contamination. This level of pollution, in conjunction with the harsh climate of this region, is a constant source of respiratory diseases and a factor in reduction of the quality of life.