期刊名称:IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
出版社:IOP Publishing
摘要:The paper presents the developed elements of the system nowcasting hazardous weather events in the North Caucasus. The approach is based on complex analysis and extrapolation of instrumental observations data (weather radar, lightning detection network, weather stations, satellite information) and numerical modeling data based on the mesoscale model of the atmosphere. For the detection and warning of dangerous fast-growing convective processes developed automated working place of acceptance, a comprehensive analysis and display of radar, lightning detection, satellite and ground weather information. The system allows you to monitor individual convective cells, determine the speed and direction of their movement, the trend of their development. The evolution of convective cells is also predicted on the basis of calculations based on a three-dimensional numerical model with detailed microphysics. Keywords: nowcasting, thunderstorms, hail, radar data, numerical model.