摘要:This document is the result of a descriptive research on and analysis of hierarchical conglomerates. Its purpose is to investigate the current state of Cloud Computing (CC) use in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the city of Latacunga, Ecuador. The construction of the instrument was based on the planning, application, analysis and validation of a questionnaire using Kuder Richarson 20 (KR20), which resulted in 0.81. The SPSS and Nvivo software were used with the participation of 43 SMEs from productive sectors, such as agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and service. The questionnaire was made up of 17 questions, grouped in two parts for the Department of Information Technology (IT) and administrative personnel. The results show that 65.1% know about CC, however, a low applicability is evident. A set of more relevant questions determines the decision making of the use of Cloud Computing in SMEs.
关键词:Cloud Computing;Small Business;Security;Information Technology;Infrastructure as a Service;Platform as a Service;Software as a Service