摘要:Values guide people in their lives as overarching principles of judgments and decision making. Focusing on Schwartz’s circumplex value model, the present work is the first systematic literature review (SLR) to comparatively synthesize the empirical evidence regarding stability and change of values in adulthood. Besides understanding the extent of value change, the aim of this review is to reveal the conditions under which values change. The search procedure and screening revealed 19 publications reporting empirical studies on 25 adult samples containing at least two measurements of Schwartz’s values in respondents. Results suggest moderate to high rank-order stabilities of values, even through potentially life-changing transitions. There is evidence of small changes, rarely consistent with theoretical predictions or cross-sectional findings. Preliminary experimental evidence shows that values can be changed with interventions. We identify considerable gaps in knowledge about value change and propose promising avenues for further research..
其他摘要:Values guide people in their lives as overarching principles of judgments and decision making. Focusing on Schwartz’s circumplex value model, the present work is the first systematic literature review (SLR) to comparatively synthesize the empirical evidence regarding stability and change of values in adulthood. Besides understanding the extent of value change, the aim of this review is to reveal the conditions under which values change. The search procedure and screening revealed 19 publications reporting empirical studies on 25 adult samples containing at least two measurements of Schwartz’s values in respondents. Results suggest moderate to high rank-order stabilities of values, even through potentially life-changing transitions. There is evidence of small changes, rarely consistent with theoretical predictions or cross-sectional findings. Preliminary experimental evidence shows that values can be changed with interventions. We identify considerable gaps in knowledge about value change and propose promising avenues for further research.
关键词:value change;value stability;value profiles;Schwartz’s value theory;longitudinal studies