摘要:Traditionally, titanium alloys with satisfactory mechanical properties can only be produced via energy-intensive and costly wrought processes, while titanium alloys produced using low-cost powder metallurgy methods consistently result in inferior mechanical properties, especially low fatigue strength. Herein, we demonstrate a new microstructural engineering approach for producing low-cost titanium alloys with exceptional fatigue strength via the hydrogen sintering and phase transformation (HSPT) process. The high fatigue strength presented in this work is achieved by creating wrought-like microstructures without resorting to wrought processing. This is accomplished by generating an ultrafine-grained as-sintered microstructure through hydrogen-enabled phase transformations, facilitating the subsequent creation of fatigue-resistant microstructures via simple heat treatments. The exceptional strength, ductility, and fatigue performance reported in this paper are a breakthrough in the field of low-cost titanium processing.