摘要:Keratoconus (KC) is a corneal thinning disorder that leads to severe vision impairment As opposed to corneal transplantation; corneal collagen crosslinking (CXL) is a relatively non-invasive procedure that leads to an increase in corneal stiffness. In order to evaluate the effect of CXL on human corneal stromal cells in vitro, we developed a 3-D in vitro CXL model, using primary Human corneal fibroblasts (HCFs) from healthy patients and Human Keratoconus fibroblasts (HKCs) from KC patients. Cells were plated on transwell polycarbonate membranes and stimulated by a stable vitamin C. CXL was performed using a mixed riboflavin 0.1% PBS solution followed by UVA irradiation. Our data revealed no significant apoptosis in either HCFs or HKCs following CXL. However, corneal fibrosis markers, Collagen III and α-smooth muscle actin, were significantly downregulated in CXL HKCs. Furthermore, a significant downregulation was seen in SMAD3, SMAD7, and phosphorylated SMADs -2 and -3 expression in CXL HKCs, contrary to a significant upregulation in both SMAD2 and Lysyl oxidase expression, compared to HCFs. Our novel 3-D in vitro model can be utilized to determine the cellular and molecular effects on the human corneal stroma post CXL, and promises to establish optimized treatment modalities in patients with KC.