摘要:Community detection problem in networks has received a great deal of attention during the past decade. Most of community detection algorithms took into account only positive links, but they are not suitable for signed networks. In our work, we propose an algorithm based on random walks for community detection in signed networks. Firstly, the local maximum degree node which has a larger degree compared with its neighbors is identified, and the initial communities are detected based on local maximum degree nodes. Then, we calculate a probability for the node to be attracted into a community by positive links based on random walks, as well as a probability for the node to be away from the community on the basis of negative links. If the former probability is larger than the latter, then it is added into a community; otherwise, the node could not be added into any current communities, and a new initial community may be identified. Finally, we use the community optimization method to merge similar communities. The proposed algorithm makes full use of both positive and negative links to enhance its performance. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world signed networks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.