摘要:The coupling of ultracold fermions to a high-finesse optical cavity can result in novel many-body phenomena, and has attracted significant interests at present. Here we consider a realization of the Fermi-Dicke model with controllable parameters, based on a two-dimensional polarized degenerate Fermi gas coupled to an optical cavity. We analytically investigate the ground-state properties of such system under the mean-field approximation. We find the system can exhibit a rich phase diagram depending on the fermion-photon coupling strength and the atomic resonant frequency. Contrasting to the bosonic counterpart, a first-order quantum phase transition between the superradiant phase and the normal phase featuring two Fermi surfaces can occur for the weak atomic resonant frequency, and there is a unique mixed phase where this normal phase and the superradiant phase coexist. The experimental detection of our results is also discussed.