摘要:The micropapillary (MP) subtype has recently been established to be a distinct marker of poor prognosis in lung adenocarcinomas (LACs). According to the 2015 WHO classification system, LAC constituents are required to be precisely reported. T790M mutation and an insertion in exon 20 (E20ins) are associated with EGFR-TKI resistance. A total of 211 LAC patients were involved in this study, and EGFR mutations were determined using an amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS). Sex, smoking history, lymph node status, and clinical stage differed significantly between the EGFR wild type and mutant groups (p < 0.05). The EGFR mutation occurred more frequently in female, non-smokers, ACs with papillary (85.7%) or MP components (91.4%) (p < 0.001). Twenty ACs with naïve T790M or E20ins were microdissected. The AC constituents metastasizing to lymph nodes exhibited a phenotype and EGFR status that was consistent with the primary loci constituents. Glomerulus-like solid components exhibited the same EGFR status as the surrounding T790M-mutated MP components. The MP and glomerulus-like portions in AC tumours exhibited a congenial EGFR status, but the acinar cells with papillary cells were heterogeneous. The naïve T790M mutants, although minor in the MP component, dramatically increased after EGFR-TKI therapy and indicate that the MP components feature intrinsic heterogeneity.