摘要:The aim is to examine whether brain tissue samples obtained through needle biopsy are better for histopathological evaluation when obtained with defined vacuum pressure, a novel needle rotation method, and using different needle type - Laitinen or Nashold. Moreover the paper aims to answer the question: Does vacuum and mechanical injury resulting from different sampling methods damage the tissue specimen challenging the diagnosis?. Eight hundred biopsy specimens from fresh swine brains were obtained using Nashold and Laitinen brain biopsy needles through inner cannula cutting or needle rotation sampling at vacuum pressure, from 0 to 0.06 MPa. The specimen weight and tissue quality for microscopic assessment were evaluated using the Mair score. Rising aspiration pressure increased the biopsy sample weight. Needle rotation delivered larger biopsy samples than the standard method. Laitinen provided larger samples than the Nashold needle, with the same sampling method or vacuum pressure. A higher histopathological diagnostic quality of tissue was obtained with the Laitinen needle than with Nashold, with higher vacuum pressure than lower pressure and finally with needle rotation than the standard method. No tissue damage caused by higher suction pressure or method of tissue separation was documented. Brain tissue samples obtained through needle biopsy are better for histopathological evaluation when obtained with higher vacuum pressure, a novel needle rotation method and with Laitinen needle. Higher suction pressure and sampling methods did not cause tissue damage.