摘要:The present study compared the predictive relationship between various psychophysical indices of body categorization performance (Point of Subjective Equivalence (PSE), Just Noticeable Difference (JND) and Reaction Time (RT)) and male body dissatisfaction (Male Body Attitudes Scale (MBAS)) and eating disorder symptoms (Eating disorders examination questionnaire (EDE-Q)), with performance on a validated figure rating scale (Visual Body Scale for Men (VBSM)). Body Mass Index, body fat percentage, and fat free mass index were also measured. PSE was not as sensitive in predicting body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms as the VBSM. JND and average RT were found to be sensitive predictors of body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms across the 82 male participants. JND proved to be a better indicator of weight concern than the VBSM-M. Whilst the body categorization task offers new insights into the way body images may be processed by males with different levels of body dissatisfaction, the VBSM and the conventional self-report measures are likely to be clinically more efficacious at measuring body dissatisfaction.