Bipolar resistance-switching materials allowing intermediate states of wide-varying resistance values hold the potential of drastically reduced power for non-volatile memory. To exploit this potential, we have introduced into a nanometallic resistance-random-access-memory (RRAM) device an asymmetric dynamic load, which can reliably lower switching power by orders of magnitude. The dynamic load is highly resistive during on-switching allowing access to the highly resistive intermediate states; during off-switching the load vanishes to enable switching at low voltage. This approach is entirely scalable and applicable to other bipolar RRAM with intermediate states. The projected power is 12 nW for a 100 × 100 nm2 device and 500 pW for a 10 × 10 nm2 device. The dynamic range of the load can be increased to allow power to be further decreased by taking advantage of the exponential decay of wave-function in a newly discovered nanometallic random material, reaching possibly 1 pW for a 10×10 nm2 nanometallic RRAM device.
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