出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Recently, cybersecurity becomes more and more important due to the rapid development ofInternet. However, existing methods are in reality highly sensitive to attacks and are far morevulnerable than expected, as they are lack of trustable measures. In this paper, to address theaforementioned problems, we propose a blockchain-based cybersecurity framework, termed asSapiens Chain, which can protect the privacy of the anonymous users and ensure that thetransactions are immutable by providing decentralized and trustable services. Integratingsemantic analysis, symbolic execution, and routing learning methods into intelligent auditing,this framework can achieve good accuracy for detecting hidden vulnerabilities. In addition, arevenue incentive mechanism, which aims to donate participants, is built. The practical resultsdemonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.
关键词:Cybersecurity; Blockchain; Decentralized Model