期刊名称:Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems (JAMRIS)
出版社:Industrial Research Inst. for Automation and Measurements, Warsaw
摘要:olytechnic as a .oca.onal educa.on ins.tu.on has to .eep upda.ng its curriculum with inno.a.on and the latest technology applica.on in industry and domes.c. Teaching learning process in the classroom also has to be based on technology applica.on. The teaching- learning process will be more e.ec..e and interes.ng by in.ol.ing the students to be more pro- ac..e and crea..e. To engage the students more, the teacher needs a teaching-learning media, and one of these media is simula.on so.ware. The .isualiza.on of the simula.on a.racts students. interest and enhances students. crea..ity. This paper proposes the applica.on of an open source and low-cost so.ware simula.on as a teaching-learning media to create an interac..e and e.ci.ng robo.cs class. This study will show the design and applica.on of fuzzy logic controller in a mobile firefighter robot, and simulate the design in SCILAB, an open source so.ware, and in .obotSim, a low-cost so.ware. This alterna..e of open source so.ware can be as good as the high- end ones. This paper shows that the applica.on of fuzzy logic controller can be fun and .ariant for students to en.oy the class. The contribu.on of this research is to show and encourage teachers and students to learn robo.cs and ar.ficial intelligence in an interac..e classroom using free so.ware and also encourage them to search more alterna..e open source so.ware.
关键词:fuzzy logic controller; mobile robot; ; open-source so.ware; teaching-learning media