摘要:The article deals with some theoretical aspects of societysustainable development management and discusses issues ofintegration of sustainable development indicators into preparationof sustainable development strategies.The article discuses economic growth and its impact ofenvironmental pollution and income inequality. The idea ofeconomic growth positive impact on sustainable developmentwas elaborated by proposing implementation of environmentaland social policies into economic development strategies.The Kuznets classical and environmental curves werediscussed based on recent publications analyzing the relationshipbetween income and pollution as well income and inequality.Using theoretical approach the main requirements forsustainable economic development management system wereformed. Indicators approach for the development of sustainableenergy programmes was elaborated. Indicators simplifyinformation on complex phenomena and reduce informationto the most important elements. Indicators also allow targeteddata and information searches and the assessment of conditionsand trends in relation to goals and targets. Sustainabledevelopment indicators are grouped according the main dimensionsof sustainable development: economic, social andenvironmental. 5 types of indicators are widely recognized:pressure indicators refer to direct stress factors, which humanactivities place on the environment. State indicators refer tothe current conditions. Response indicators refer to the measurableaspects of policies developed by the society. Drivingforce indicators refer to socio-economic or socio-culturalfactors driving activities that increase or mitigate the pressureon the environment. Impact indicators refer to effects causedby environmental conditions. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguishbetween state and impact indicators.Three principles in application of indicators approachwere discussed and the proposals for the integration of indicatorsinto national planning systems were developed basedon the structure of National sustainable development strategyfor Lithuania. Application of indicators of sustainable energydevelopment in national energy strategy illustrated theretoforedescribed approach.The main principles of sustainable development are integratedin National sustainable development strategy. Thisstrategy includes 6 branches of economy (transport, industry,energy, agriculture, household, tourism), 4 environmentalsectors (air, water, biodiversity and waste), 4 main socialaspects (employment, poverty and health, education, culturalidentity) and regional development issues. All these economic,social, environmental and regional development issues arepresented in close integrity. Indicators for some branches and environmental sectorswere proposed in the strategy but interlinkages and the consistentframework of indicators for monitoring progress towardsall goals established in the strategy wasn’t performed.The article presents new approach for the selection of appropriateindicators and integration of them into sustainabledevelopment strategies. This approach is based on idea thatall the main sustainable development indicators are related toeach other through the chain of impacts. Economic indicatorshave direct impact on social and environmental indicatorstherefore the main response actions or new policies should beimplemented on the main driving force indicators of economicdimension.
其他摘要:The article deals with some theoretical aspects of societysustainable development management and discusses issues ofintegration of sustainable development indicators into preparationof sustainable development strategies.The article discuses economic growth and its impact ofenvironmental pollution and income inequality. The idea ofeconomic growth positive impact on sustainable developmentwas elaborated by proposing implementation of environmentaland social policies into economic development strategies.The Kuznets classical and environmental curves werediscussed based on recent publications analyzing the relationshipbetween income and pollution as well income and inequality.Using theoretical approach the main requirements forsustainable economic development management system wereformed. Indicators approach for the development of sustainableenergy programmes was elaborated. Indicators simplifyinformation on complex phenomena and reduce informationto the most important elements. Indicators also allow targeteddata and information searches and the assessment of conditionsand trends in relation to goals and targets. Sustainabledevelopment indicators are grouped according the main dimensionsof sustainable development: economic, social andenvironmental. 5 types of indicators are widely recognized:pressure indicators refer to direct stress factors, which humanactivities place on the environment. State indicators refer tothe current conditions. Response indicators refer to the measurableaspects of policies developed by the society. Drivingforce indicators refer to socio-economic or socio-culturalfactors driving activities that increase or mitigate the pressureon the environment. Impact indicators refer to effects causedby environmental conditions. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguishbetween state and impact indicators.Three principles in application of indicators approachwere discussed and the proposals for the integration of indicatorsinto national planning systems were developed basedon the structure of National sustainable development strategyfor Lithuania. Application of indicators of sustainable energydevelopment in national energy strategy illustrated theretoforedescribed approach.The main principles of sustainable development are integratedin National sustainable development strategy. Thisstrategy includes 6 branches of economy (transport, industry,energy, agriculture, household, tourism), 4 environmentalsectors (air, water, biodiversity and waste), 4 main socialaspects (employment, poverty and health, education, culturalidentity) and regional development issues. All these economic,social, environmental and regional development issues arepresented in close integrity. Indicators for some branches and environmental sectorswere proposed in the strategy but interlinkages and the consistentframework of indicators for monitoring progress towardsall goals established in the strategy wasn’t performed.The article presents new approach for the selection of appropriateindicators and integration of them into sustainabledevelopment strategies. This approach is based on idea thatall the main sustainable development indicators are related toeach other through the chain of impacts. Economic indicatorshave direct impact on social and environmental indicatorstherefore the main response actions or new policies should beimplemented on the main driving force indicators of economicdimension.
关键词:sustainable development; sustainable energy; sustainable development indicators.
其他关键词:sustainable development; sustainable energy; sustainable development indicators.