摘要:The Inspectorate of Region Police (Itwasda) has a function as the internal supervision in Police Region and also
has a function to receive Public complaints, whether as information, complaints, dissatisfaction, irregularities acts
in the performance of Police Region in order to give legal settlement and legal certainty. This study examines the
function of preventive supervision of Itwasda through public complaints with the perspective of the Progressive
Law, by using the of socio-legal research with qualitative analysis. The driving factors of supervision
implementation: the existence of good coordination between the function units, the structural hierarchy of the
absolute level, and community support for the existence of the Itwasda. Obstacle factors of the implementation of
the supervisory function: the limited authority of the Itwasda, acceptance of public complaints that are not one
gate, imbalance in the number of supervisory resources, supervision of peers and a lack of public understanding
of the complaints mechanism. The concept of the supervisory function offered is to be more able to prevent
undisciplined of police members, there needs to be a one-door public complaints mechanism, the merger of
investigators from several function units, computerization of complaints and the need for special Criminal Law
Procedure for Law Officials.