出版社:Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
摘要:The article notes weak scientific and practical development of the problem of loyalty. Lacks of existing models of loyalty are considered. Presented the concept of loyalty and the model of its functioning at the individual-psychological level, created by S.V. Gornostaev by using of an integrative approach. Described the study in which practical applicability of the proposed model was preliminary tested on the sample of cadets of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia alienated from their training groups. Based on the results of the experiment, it was concluded that the impact of the loyalty factors included in the tested model could lead to a change in the general level of loyalty to the target group. This testifies to the adequacy of the loyalty model and the possibility of its practical application. Facts about using of the technology of loyalty management, created on the basis of the analyzed model, in the activity of the bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, are given. Conclusions are made about relevance of the integral approach in the study of loyalty, validity of the proposed concept and model of loyalty, and practical relevance of methodological tool for evaluation and formation of loyalty, approved in accordance with the model.
关键词:loyalty; loyalty research; model of loyalty; loyalty factors; loyalty mechanisms; correction of loyalty