摘要:This study aims to determine the strategy for non-performing financing management on financing in Islamic banks based on the economic sector of financing. This study was specifically carried out at the BRI Syariah Bank in the period 2010 to 2017, using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in determining its handling strategy with the involvement of nine experts as respondents with the background of three people from Islamic bank practitioners, three people from the profession academics or lecturer staff, and three people from the sharia banking authority or regulator. In the formulation of strategies for handling non-performing financing in financing, it is divided into five levels, namely level 1 ) goal, level 2 ) economic sector, level 3 ) factor, level 4 ) actor, level 5 ) program. The results showed that the economic sector that needs attention with a high level of importance is the trade, restaurant and hotel sector with a weight of 0.197, followed by the construction sector with a weight of 0.189 and the industrial sector with a weight of 0.168. An important factor that needs attention regarding non-performing financing is the handling of NPF with a weight of 0.243, followed by bank rating of the bank—a risk profile with a weight of 0.217 and Indonesia’s economic growth with a weight of 0.148. The actors who play an important role in handling non-performing financing are directors with a weight of 0.300 followed by work units with a weight of 0.178 and economic conditions with a weight of 0.144. The most important non-performing financing management program is intensive collection with a weight of 0.340, then the restructuring with a weight of 0.312 and collateral sales with a weight of 0.151.
关键词:Analytical Hierarchy Process;Financing Contract;Non Performing Financing;Sharia Bank