摘要:Krisoker Janala (Farmers Window) is a newly develop app that is used by the agricultural extension agent of Bangladesh to spread information to the farmers. In this regard, the objectives of this study were to assess the effectiveness of Krisoker Janala for disseminating agricultural information and to explore the contributory factors of using Krisoker Janala. Data were collected from 106 Sub Assistant Agriculture Officers (SAAOs) under four upazilas (sub district) of Chuadanga district. A face to face interview followed by structured questionnaire was conducted to collect data from the SAAOs during a period of early June to the end of July, 2018. The result of interview revealed that 64.2% of the respondents perceived that use of Krisoker Janala is moderately effective while 24.5% and 11.3% of them perceived as less and high effective respectively. Multiple regression analysis was applied to identify significant factors and it was found that out of seven factors, three namely extent of ICT use, the information quality of Krisoker Janala and use of Krisoker Janala had significant positive contribution to their perceived effectiveness of Krisoker Janala for disseminating agricultural information. So, the policy makers should consider to these important factors in order to increase the effectiveness of this agro based app as well as for providing better service to the farmers.