摘要:"The eggs of Eumeces laticeps are larger than those of E. fasciatus at the time of laying. At the time of hatching both may have swollen to the same size. 2. The young of E. laticeps at hatching are larger than those of E. fasciatus, and they grow more rapidly during the following weeks. 3. Both E. fasciatus and E. laticeps will brood eggs of other females, and one species will brood the eggs of the other. 4. Neither species will brood the eggs of Sceloporus undulatus or of Ophisaurus ventralis. Paraffin models of Eumeces eggs are rejected, and living eggs that have been shellacked are usually not attended. 5. A blindfolded Eumeces will find and brood eggs even when these are placed in a foreign situation. 6. The tip of the tongue is employed in identifying the eggs. Removing this part of the tongue prevents the female from finding the eggs. 7. Eumeces fasciatus and E. laticeps voluntarily leave their eggs at frequent intervals to sun bathe or to seek food. 8. Their body temperature at this time in the laboratory ranges from 1.6° C. to 3.2° C. higher than that of the eggs. 9. This increased body temperature apparently aids the incubation of the eggs when the female returns to brood. 10. The brooding Eumeces fasciatus and E. laticeps, but not Ophisaurus ventralis, will attack mice, lizards and snakes of moderate size that approach their eggs. 11. The female Ophisaurus ventralis can find her eggs when these are placed in a foreign situation, but under laboratory conditions she does not increase their temperature in the manner of Eumeces. 12. The eggs of O. ventralis may vary greatly in their increase in size during development and yet the young on hatching from these eggs may be nearly the same size"--P. 27.